Tuesday, November 5, 2013

EdTech Home Page

This project was to build a website that could serve as my personal educational technology home page using a CSS template.  The page includes a brief introduction to me and some relevant links.  As I progress through the program, I will be able to link to the artifacts I produce during my coursework.  Ideally, when I apply for educational technology positions, I can provide a link to my home page and this blog to provide evidence of the kinds skills and expertise I've gained.

When I started the project, I assumed that using a template would be a fairly trivial task where I would simply download one I liked, then dump in my content.  It turned out to be much more involved than I anticipated and, in the process, I learned a few new tricks.  Part of what made using a template challenging is, when browsing through the suggested libraries, I couldn't find anything I was completely happy with; I ended up downloading one that was close, then doing a lot of digging around "under the hood" to get it just the way I wanted.

I started by replacing the included banner image with a photo of my own then changed the background, using a transparent image made in Adobe Fireworks to add some texture, a trick I figured out after looking at some other templates.  Next, after removing some sections I didn't have a use for, this template had the main content arranged in a single column.  After looking at the code in some other templates and CSS resources, I found a way to make two columns with an additional aside for my contact links.  Finally, I added a few other images and made some tweaks to the layout.

EdTech Home Page

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