Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Elements of EdTech

If you asked me a few days ago to define educational technology, I would have answered “using computers and stuff to teach better.” I expect most of us working “in the trenches” of education would use similarly simplistic definitions. In this assignment, I took the time to truly study and evaluate a much richer definition of the field. The AECT article used as a basis for this task reminded me of how complex a task it truly is to “use computers and stuff to teach better.”  Some aspects of the definition, such as ethical concerns, would not have crossed my mind a few days ago.

The complexity of the AECT's definition does not just impact my understanding of what the field is since educational technology does not exist on a purely theoretical level.  Whenever I make a choice to use (or not use) technology in my classroom, I am putting my understanding of educational technology into practice.  The complete definition of educational technology can provide a source of guidance as to how to make my use of technology as effective as possible.

By analyzing in a scholarly way which elements of the AECT's definition I find most important and attempting to explain why, I thought in much more depth than I have in the past about what is most important to me when using technology in my classroom.  This provided an opportunity to begin shaping my philosophy of educational technology.  I am sure this philosophy will continue to be refined as I progress through the program and I consider a growing array of issues and challenges within the field.

Elements of Educational Technology

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